I am 50 today and YES, I feel different, not because I am older, not because the cosmos shifted when the clock struck midnight, and not because of my age. I feel different because I choose to, and have been choosing to feel different, every day of my life. I have people to thank and wisdom to share.
Thank you to:
I was sentenced to death at birth by nature, born with fluid on the brain and a bleak outlook. You prayed for me, and I am here, and you are not. Life is not fair. I know your prayers saved me then, and I am sure they saved me multiple times after that. You do not deserve to be gone, and the world is not better for it. I hope you are in a place where you can see my good and are blinded to my bad. I love you and I owe my life to you

You are not just my father. You are my dad, and that is the highest compliment a son can pay to his father. Never missed a game. Never complained about taking me fishing or playing catch or any of the million things a son needs from his father. You are the man I wish to be, and my biggest fan I love you and I owe my life to you

Maternal Grandparents
Pawpaw F. You were gone too soon, but you taught me to drive a truck and a boat, and I miss you every day. I wish I had a dollar for all the miles I mowed on your old Snapper. I will see you on the other side. I love you and I owe my life to you
Granny F. You introduced me to the piano. I remember the day you asked me if I wanted to take piano lessons. That gift along with the words of wisdom carried me into adulthood and saved me many times. I love you and I owe my life to you
Paternal Grandparents
Pawpaw A. (they called him Bigfoot) I did not know you in this life, you died the year before I was born. Gone 51 years. But the stories, the legends, the overwhelming positive things everyone said. When they ask me if Bigfoot is real...I simply say yes. I love you and I owe my life to you.
Granny A. You were the last to go and it seemed like a dream when you did. I was honored to be your grandson and to hold your hand when you took your last breath. Yours was a life well lived, and you are missed every day. Thank you for your example of love and hard work and most of all, patience. I simply say yes. I love you and I owe my life to you.
I am grateful that you are a better brother than I am. I hope to be half as good at that as you are. I love you and I owe my life to you.
It's a damn rare thing to have the same best friend for your entire life, but here we are. It goes unsaid most times, but I love you, friend. You are the standard for good men and your discipline and dedication to this thing called life have inspired me countless times. Thank you for picking me as your friend all those years ago. I love you and I owe my life to you.
Love has another name, and it is yours. You are a 27-year living testament of unconditional love, because loving me is not easy. We can all agree on that. I am not alive unless you are here, and LOVE is not a big enough word for my feelings toward you. I love you. I love you and I owe my life to you.
You know who you are, because to get in this category you must make it on a short list. We have shared the best and worst of times from weddings to funerals to...more funerals. The bond is strong even if it is a bit dusty at times. Thank you for loving me. I love you and I owe my life to you.
Some of you have been around since the beginning. Thank you for your sting. Thank you for exposing my weaknesses. Thank you for all the pain I have endured at your hands. I am learning to love you, and I owe my life to you.
You are a life-changer. The kindness, love, and empathy you have for me and others is something I have lacked for many years. Thank you for showing me the way and loving me unconditionally. I love you and I owe my life to you.

My musical hero Merle Haggard said, "About the time you figure everything out, you die." I would like to edit his quote with one of my own. "You keep figuring out life until you die." The one nugget of wisdom that I have learned, but often forget is this.
The only thing that matters in this life are the relationships you have with others.
I hope to see my death bed many, many years in the future, but when that time comes, I know I will not reflect on what I have done, the dragons I have slayed, the things I have accumulated. I will simply hold the hand of my loved ones and be thankful I was able to love and be loved, for this blink of the eye we call a life. Here's to the next 50 years.