We the people. Three powerful words that somehow get lost behind a cloud of rhetoric. It is November 6th, and the people have voted, but there is no "we" in sight. In fact, the division is greater than ever, and I wanted to give my very opinion-based thoughts as the dust is settling.

I am sad and have been so for a long time. Many of you reading, agree for your own reasons but I can tell you this: I am not sad because of this election, or the previous one, or the next one. I am sad that my friends, family, and the collective "we" are allowing ourselves to become so divided by the puppet masters of media and politics that we forget who we are.
The most important pronoun is WE. There, I said it. Before you get in a tizzy, you can have any pronoun you want, but this is not about you. This is about WE. I know, I do not like it when it is not about me either, but that is the problem. The problem with the system, the country, the world, is...ME. It is time to turn that M upside down.
No single person has all the answers, as much as I would like to believe differently. I know less than I think I do, on a daily basis, and so do you. If it were up to me, school lunches would consist of butter pecan ice cream and fries. Best not leave that decision to me unless you really want to. My point is that no matter how experienced you think you are, you cannot live through enough stuff to make educated decisions on every issue, alone. We need the WE.
You are on the clock. Food prices are too high, heck, everything is too high. STFU about Kamala Harris, STFU about everything other than steering this country in a good direction. Keep the promising ideas from the previous administration and move forward in unity. You have an opportunity to cut through the bullshit and work toward unifying everyone. Come out and promise your political opponents, many who are sad and scared, the following. You work for 'We the people.' Have empathy for the issues that liberals are unwavering on. Give hope where there is none. SHUT DOWN UNNECESSARY FEAR.

You too are on the clock. Your constituents are scared and hurt and now they need you more than ever. You have an opportunity to be better than your opponents were in 2020. STFU about Donald Trump. Make damn certain you let Americans know that checks and balances will be monitored to prevent a power struggle. Go to extra lengths to ensure that the inauguration is peaceful and without controversy. Work with the new administration and not against it. SHUT DOWN UNNECESSARY FEAR.

Find someone who has the opposite political view from you and work on a friendship. Put yourself in their shoes. Approach every conversation with the goal of making a friend and learning something. Being "right" all the time is a lonely existence. If you are an Atheist, find a Christian. If you are a conservative, find a liberal. When you find yourself face to face with the person or people you have been programmed to be against, you will soon find that they are people just like you. We all have hopes and dreams, successes, and failures. We all want a better place for our children. We all want our lives to improve. We are the people.
